Turkish Film Festival


Apart from cultural exchange, this festival is dedicated to the presentation of Turkish cinema in all its varieties.

The extensive programme of films offers specific focal points as well as several themed series such as “Filme aus Deutschland” (Films from Germany) with productions by German Turkish directors, the “Forum europäischer Film” (European Film Forum), and the “Retrospective”, the student short film competition. The programme is accompanied by diverse supporting events such as panel discussions, seminars, workshops and exhibitions. Numerous German and Turkish filmmakers are attending in person to present their latest productions and answer questions from the audience after the screening.

The festival seeks to offer film enthusiasts the opportunity to discuss Turkish cinema. In Turkey, a fruitful debate about the artistic merits of Turkish cinema and its role in society has long been established.

The Turkish Film Festival wishes to further this debate also in this country. Furthermore, the whole festival as an art event is designed to promote a multicultural society.

On the festival’s history:
In April 2000, the „1. Türkischen Filmtage in Frankfurt am Main” (1st Turkish Film Days in Frankfurt am Main) were held with the support of the City of Frankfurt. Aim of the event was, and still is, to provide a new platform for cultural exchange and thus for the meeting of different cultures: the cinema.

One and a half years later, in October 2001, the event took place again, this time under the patronage of mayor Petra Roth and with the support of the cinema at the Deutsches Filmmuseum and the Metropol cinema. Due to the steadily growing programme and great public demand the Film Days were renamed Turkish Film Festival in 2003.

Festival cinemas are the CineStar Metropolis and the Orfeos Erben.

Transfer zwischen den Kulturen e.V.
Turkish Film Festival
Fröbelstraße 3
60487 Frankfurt/M.
phone: 069 – 71 67 18 02
Fax: 069 – 71 67 18 03
mobile: 0171 – 120 07 85