The Failed Film Festival is an absolute treat for adventurous film lovers: every year in January short and medium length formats of all genres are presented, ranging from music videos via documentaries to feature film productions.
All entries share the fact that they’re failures – at least commercially. No TV station and no other festival were interested in using them. Even some of the filmmakers themselves didn’t want to know any longer. However, this doesn’t mean that this brand of cinema is worthless in terms of subject-matter and style, because, as we know, there’s no accounting for taste in film. This is why this unusual festival offers the opportunity to watch rejected efforts on the big screen after all. Viewer’s guts vs. filmmaker’s guts!
Even the award ceremony follows slightly weird rules: the winner isn’t the “worst” or “best” film but the production with the greatest discrepancy in the audience votes.
All entries are available exclusively on DVD. Elsewhere seen as detrimental, it’s a big plus here. Because on the festival website you can make your own compilation out of all productions and buy it on DVD.
All films and cinemas are listed on the festival website.
The festival tours Germany and is organised by BROKALHAUS München. The Frankfurt venue is the „Orfeos Erben“ cinema.