Africa Alive


Every year during the “Africa Alive” culture festival founded in 1994 the two festival cinemas the Filmforum Höchst and the Mal Seh’n cinema – the Deutsches Filmmuseum, normally the other main venue, is closed for renovation – show the festival’s selection of films. Since 2010 selected films have been playing also in Wiesbaden, at the Caligari and the Murnau cinemas.

Always on the bill are the programme highlights of the FESPACO festival in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Each year, the team focuses on particular countries or themes depending on current circumstances. In this way the whole continent is represented.

Apart from the chance to see classic African films as well as the latest productions, in the international atmosphere of “Africa Alive” concerts, readings, exhibitions, events for children and young people as well as political discussions are offered. The events take place in different venues such as the Haus am Dom or the Brotfabrik.

The organisers are dedicated to promoting lively exchange between the cultures and thereby contribute to the dismantling of prejudices. The main goal is to let Africans represent themselves and their own culture and to paint an authentic picture of this continent. The festival makes an important contribution to integration in the multicultural Rhine Main area.

UNESCO declared “Africa Alive” the project of the World Decade for cultural development in 1996. In 2001, the festival was the official German contribution to the UN year of “Dialogue between Cultures”. In 2002 and 2003 “Africa Alive” was under the patronage of UNESCO Germany, and since 2003 it has been a member of the association of Hessian film festivals.

The festival is planned and organised by the “Africa Alive” team consisting of African organisations in cooperation with Frankfurt cultural institutions and committed individuals. The film programme is supported by the Hessische Filmförderung (Hessian Film Fund).

Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF e.V.
Schaumainkai 41
D 60596 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49-69-96 12 20 220
Fax: +49-69-96 12 20 999