A classical children’s theatre that presents familiar children’s literature with creativity and youthful vivacity for its young and adult audiences.
The “Children and Youth Theatre” Frankfurt sees itself as a classical children’s theatre with the objective of presenting familiar children’s literature with creativity and youthful vivacity for its young and adult audiences. This includes captivatingly designed stage sets, masks and costumes hand-in-hand with a professional ensemble: stage designers, technicians and actresses/actors.
In 1969, Margarete Backhaus opened the newly founded Children and Youth Theatre with the premiere of Wilhelm Hauff’s “Kleine Muck”. Since then popular stories have been regularly staged, e.g. “The Little Witch””, “Pippi Longstocking”. “Momo”, “Robber Hotzenplotz”, to name just a few.
Permanent performance venue is Titusforum in Nordwestzentrum and during the summer months the ensemble performs outdoors in Niddapark.