FMW Frankfurt Musikwerkstatt

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FMW Frankfurt Musikwerkstatt is a private occupational training college fort jazz and popular music that was founded in 1984 by dedicated jazz musicians and educationalists. Divided into the sections general college and occupational training college, it offers a far-reaching teaching programme for all age groups. This ranges from diversified practical and theoretical amateur instruction to an eight-semester study course leading to graduation as state-certified professional musician and instrument educationalist for jazz and popular music.

The course covers practical and theoretical instruction in jazz and popular music and its objective is to provide students with professional knowledge and skills. Goal of the pedagogic instruction is to train students in instrument teaching skills as main subject, in jazz theory and playing in an ensemble.

With this double course of study the graduate acquires a twofold professional qualification. In line with the instruction profile of the FMW the graduate has equivalent professional competence in both the musical as well as the pedagogic fields of jazz and popular music.

The instruction programme of the general college of the FMW is based on the didactic concept of integrated training and further training in theory and practice. The objective is to acquire fundamental theoretical competence and practical skills in playing instruments. Consequently the programme primarily addresses participants interested in such a course of instruction.

Member of the International Association of Schools of Jazz (IASJ)
Member of the International Association of Jazz Education (IAJE)
Member of the Union Deutsche Jazzmusiker (UDJ)

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FMW Frankfurter Musikwerkstatt - Staatlich anerkannte Musikakademie für Jazz und Popularmusik
Edisonstraße 8
60388 Frankfurt am Main
Phone +49 (0) 6109 376663