A musical project in autumn 1992 forms the crystallization point for the Choir: the performance of a Bach cantata, followed in summer 1994 by the first choir and instrumental concert. Since then and with changing line-up we have presented our musical activities at various venues - in informal association with a church community in Frankfurt's Bahnhof district, although, from the institutional aspect and in view of the artistic quality, nonetheless an autonomous group. The repertoire is primarily fuelled from the rich fund of (not confessionally restricted) spiritual vocal music; the secular side also finds its deserved share, whereas light music, pop and rock lie at the fringe of interest. Known and acclaimed oratory literature plays no role for us because Quilisma performs in chamber music configuration: aspired to is a number of around twelve women and ten men, whereby we still require some singers. For successful performances this means: even without professional singers (as currently) in the choir, we conduct joint singing activities with the goal of presenting sincere music, not grimly but with integrity. It goes without saying that extra-musical activities are not neglected.
A cordial invitation to all who find favour with such a concept and for whom singing is not old hat.