Baroque Night

Arranged annually since 1998 by the Institute for Historical Interpretation Practice, the Baroque Nights is conceived as a wide-ranging presentation of the work of the Institute at the “Frankfurt College of Music and the Performing Arts”.

Students and teachers of the singing and instrumental classes perform in brief 20-minute concerts and incorporate all architectural potentials of the buildings and rooms, thereby providing insights into the sound and colour spectrum of “old music”. Crowing performance is an opera staged and studied specially for the Baroque Night. In recent years the programme has been highlighted by cooperations with Burg Kronberg, Stadttheater Giessen and Karmeliterkloster Frankfurt.

Further information on the Baroque Night is contained on the homepage of the College under the link “Veranstaltungen/Events” or via the entry of the Institut für historische Interpretationspraxis (HIP).

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Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main
Eschersheimer Landstraße 29 - 39
60322 Frankfurt am Main
Phone +49 (0) 69 1540070