projektHaus Leistikow

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For five years the projektHaus Leistikow has been a meeting point for various art movements, artists and many people finding interest and enjoyment in intimate, direct art experiences. An area of only 84 square metres and three quaintly laid out rooms with spacious entrée put visitors in a contented mood and impart dynamic anticipation. And people remain with pleasure, for example at one of the four vernissages held annually. Exhibited are works by Frankfurt female artists.

At IN TUNE, a performance platform with a small audience for female singers, up and coming talents meet professionals for an interchange of experiences. Readings in projektHaus are a literary feast garnished with music. Excitement mounts when crossover projects emerge: theatre meets psychology, painting and video, photos with performance and culinary delights.

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projektHaus Leistikow
Rotlintstraße 62
60316 Frankfurt am Main
Phone +49 (0) 69 43059690