Anne Frank Jugendbegegnungsstätte
Since 1997, the Frankfurt district Dornbusch, where the Frank family lived until their emigration to Amsterdam, has been home to the Anne Frank Youth Information Centre. The permanent exhibition "Anne from Frankfurt", developed in 1990 by the Historical Museum, tells the story of Anne Frank and Frankfurt history of the period. Visitors learn about the story of Anne Frank and Jewish life in Frankfurt, the period of National Socialism in Frankfurt and Germany, the persecution, resistance and murder of the Jews. Contemporaries - discussions with survivors of National Socialism enable a very personal confrontation with history. Tours through the district and central Frankfurt allow history to be discovered in the present.
The Information Centre not only portrays history, it is also a place of confrontation and human rights. The idea of "tracing migration" is the basis for discussions with witnesses of the times, older immigrants who narrate as "interesting adults" to young people about their arrival, seeking for and finding a life in Frankfurt.
Groups (school classes, youth groups, work groups etc.) have the opportunity of a guided tour by a young person. This form of accompaniment is primarily intended to deal with the specific questions of the pertinent group and stimulate conversation with one another.