Die Katakombe

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The selection of authors ranges from ancient Greek to contemporary, elements of music and dance theatre are components of every production in “Die Katakombe”, one of Frankfurt’s oldest playhouses.


Die Katakombe was founded in October 1960 by an actor/actress collective and has been domiciled in the former cinema at Pfingstweidstrasse 2 since 1982. Stage concept from the start was a time-related, social critical programme and the search for new interpretations and forms of production. The selection of authors ranges from the ancient Greek via classic to contemporary. The “Political Revue” was discovered very early.

The dramatization of central literary material is part of the fundamental histrionic concept (acted literature). Elements of music and dance theatre now play an indispensable role in every production. Component of the programme since the seventies are also performances for children, not fairytales at Christmastime but an annual programme in cooperation with schools: plays dealing with the children’s everyday but whose content and quality are also “adult-like”.

Die Katakombe - Kulturhaus am Zoo
Pfingstweidstraße 2
60316 Frankfurt am Main
Phone +49 (0) 6172 983765