Männer- und Frauenchor 1900 Niederrad

The Men and Women's Choir 1900 Niederrad is a mixed choir with 60 active singers. In the year 2000 we celebrated our 100. jubilee and were honoured by the award of the Zelter Medal by the Federal German President.
We arrange concerts, sing at club festivals, at private functions such as jubilees, church weddings, seniors' afternoon fêtes etc. Our repertoire includes German and international folksongs, lively and stately songs, spiritual music, opera and operetta chorals.
We have a friendly affiliation with the singing club Concordia 1858 Sossenheim and often sing with them jointly at major events.

We meet each Monday at 20h in the Burgertreff in Goldsteinstr. 33, Niederrad for rehearsals. New members are always heartily welcome. Irene Wimmers, our honorary secretary, will be pleased to provide details: tel. ++49(0)69/674531

Männer- und Frauenchor 1900 Niederrad
Herzogstraße 20
60528 Frankfurt am Main
Phone +49 (0) 69 674531