The Hessische Sängerbund e.V. (Hessian Singers Association) represents the interests of over 76,000 persons actively singing in more than 2,200 choirs in the Federal State of Hesse, under the umbrella of the German Choral Association.
The Hessian Singers Association organizes choral competitions, choral concerts and choir festivals, entertainment programmes and seminars promoting the care and conservation of this cultural heritage and fostering national education.
One of the key duties of the Singers Association is to provide education and training for choir leaders and gifted singers at the choir leader academies in Frankfurt and Marburg and to host regular courses and informational meetings.
As part of their varied programme of events the Singers Association offers meetings with partner choirs, joint concerts, judged singing contests at district level, qualifying singing contests, choir competitions, choral days, choir festivals and choir music days as well as regular workshops and seminars on current topics of interest in music, association law and organization.
Further information and contact details are available on the Singers Association homepage at