Evangelisch-lutherische Dreikönigsgemeinde


The Frankfurt Dreikönigskirche (Epiphany Church), prominently located on the southern banks of the Main river between the Alte Brücke and Eiserne Steg, is a traditional location for church music performances and enjoys a first-class image way beyond the city and region. The work of Kurt Thomas in the field of choir music and of Helmut Walcha as organist remain unforgotten. The Ev.-Luth. Dreikönigskirche parish, recently undergoing restructuring with the integration of three formerly independent parishes, feels committed to this tradition and thus to a far-reaching program of church music.

In addition to the Dreikönigskirche (Oppenheimer Str. 5) itself, performance venues are also the Bergkirche (Sachsenhäuser Landwehrweg 157) and the Gemeindehaus Süd (Tucholskystr. 40). Features of the annual program are regular organ concerts, several cantata performances integrated into Sunday church services and performances of major works, mostly by old masters, during the church year. The climax of the year is New Year Concert in Dreikönig.

Further details are accessible under www.kirchenmusik-dreikoenig.de and naturally also contained in the corresponding annual programme "Jahresprogramm Kirchenmusik".

The e-mail address of the Promotion Association is: info@kirchenmusik-dreikoenig.de

The Association is acknowledged as a non-profit-making organization by the Finanzamt Frankfurt.

Kirchenmusik Dreikönig e.V.
Tucholskystraße 40
60598 Frankfurt am Main