The Anne Frank Youth Information Centre


Since 1977, the Anne Frank Youth Information Centre has been located in the Frankfurt district Dornbusch, where the family of Anne Frank lived until their emigration to Amsterdam. The permanent exhibition “Anne from Frankfurt” relates the history of Anne Frank and Frankfurt’s city history. Witnesses of the times and survivors of the Nazi era enable a highly personal confrontation with history. Tours through the district and Frankfurt city allow history to be rediscovered in the present day.

Anne Frank was born on 12. June 1929 in Frankfurt. In 1933, the family left Frankfurt and emigrated to Amsterdam. From 1942 Anne and her family were obliged to seek refuge in a backyard house where she wrote her famous diary. The family was tracked down in 1944 and deported to Auschwitz. Anne Frank died in 1945 in Bergen-Belsen.

School classes can be guided through the exhibition by a young companion and subsequently take part in a discussion.

Bildungsstätte Anne Frank
Hansaallee 150
60320 Frankfurt am Main
Phone +49 (0) 69 5600020